You will receive weekly information on the conferences that interest you most.
Alberto Ortega
Characterization of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Driving Neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Anna Basquet / Mireia Valles-Colome
EvoMedical Genomics Data Club
Sara Verstraeten
Engage to Inspire: Hands-on engagement tools for sustainability
Pere Roca-Cusachs Soulere
Tissue stiffness: fundamental mechanisms and ideas for potential therapeutic applications in cancer
Ricard Solè
Is There a Universal Logic for Living Systems?
Angel Goni Moreno
Biocomputing circuits (in bacteria): context, noise and environmental use
Martina Braun
Clonal tracing with somatic epimutations reveals clonal dynamics of blood aging
Victor Montal
Alzheimer Disease at the atomistic scale: leveraging AI and high-performance computing for the design of new therapeutic agents
Sonia Ruiz Bustillo
Un programa de telemedicina liderat per infermeria per al seguiment de pacients amb insuficiència cardíaca: experiència i resultats
Oliver Rando
Environmental control of the mouse sperm epigenome
Francis Corson
Mechanical self-organization in development
Montserrat Fitó / Olga Valverde
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet on Cardiometabolic Risk: energy restriction and time-restricted feeding / Circadian rhythms in complex behavior
Rosa Martínez
From data to mechanism in cell and molecular biology
Peng Li
DNMT1 inhibition reprograms T cells to NK-like cells with potent antitumor activity
Sebastiaan van Heesch
Evolutionarily young non-canonical ORFs and microproteins in childhood cancer
Marc Schwartz Pallejà
Adaptative Mechanisms of Sleep for Cognition and Memory
Acte Artista en Residència
Alicia Marín Muniesa
Self-Leadership for daily challenges in science: A hands-on workshop
Francis Corson
Geometric models for fate patterning
Qilan Hong
Ablation of Glut1 drives oxidative phosphorylation and enhances antitumor activity in CD8+ T cells
Laura Betancur | Gorane Rodriguez Urquirizar
Resolving the dynamic architecture of constitutive exocytosis protein network in situ | Pharmacological modulation of Cav2.1 N-glycosylation to revert pathological gain of channel’s function
Mariela Nieves Alvarado Miranda
Implicaciones clínicas de las pruebas de imagen en la evaluación de la sarcopenia asociada a las bonquiectasias
Laura Granés
Temperature exposure and children's brain development
Andrea Picco
Understanding Membrane Trafficking: A Quantitative Microscopy Journey from Protein Complex Architecture and Dynamics to Evolution
Guillem Murciano Julià
New insights in cell cycle and meiosis regulation in fission yeast
Louise Schubert
Working in the world of science: how to manage self and build resilience
Altair Chinchilla Hernandez
Structural basis of the early exocytosis: a spatio-temporal model of the vesicle tethering machinery
Thiago Carvalho & David del Álamo
Building your story: how to write a narrative scientific CV
Marina Álvarez & Jaume Fatjó
Principles of scientific data visualization and creating great visual aids
David McCandlish
To be determined
Elinor Thompson
Behind the scenes - small tutorial group to help improve your science-related talks
Sam Illingworth
Rhyme your research: using poetry to problem solve and communicate your science
Adrian Bird
To be determined
Steven J. Katz
Genetic Risk Evaluation after Cancer Diagnosis: Promise vs Practice
2025 CRG Symposium
Mechanisms of Gene Expression: Unlocking Therapeutic Potential